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Missing "s" to elected officials page

@Jean-Luc Pellerin this is simple to fix. Go fix the key's plural on Localize. See with @Niyanta Bhatt and @Shaily Shah how. This doesn't require escalation to the dev team.
Guest about 3 years ago in Elected Officials 0 Bug Confirmed

Bottom menu incorrect in android

Seems okay in iOS, not android
Paul-André Savoie about 3 years ago in Features 0 Cannot reproduce issue

QR code needed in invite neighbors page

Action: When you are on the neighbors page and you click on Invite Expectation: it should display the QR code as in the Invite a Friend page Reality: it display a traditional Android shared text
Guest about 3 years ago in Neighbours 0 Escalated

App crashes when I open app

See subject
Guest over 3 years ago in MapView 0 Cannot reproduce issue

A notification should be sent if a post was Liked and its status changes

Notifications are already being sent for things that were made by the user, but it would also stand to reason that a Liked post is something a user would be interested in knowing about once the status of said post changes.
Remi Boucher over 3 years ago in Notifications 0 Under analysis

Household Relationship between Residents

It would be great to allow Resident users living at the same address to configure themselves as members of a unique household together, and their relationship. A user would see other users at the same address with no relationship, and be able to c...
Paul-André Savoie over 3 years ago in Neighbours 0 Escalated

Suggestions, Appreciations and Requests should be able to be made, or at least some of them off location.

I have a suggestion to make an outdoor entertainment area in the west island near one of the theaters. I should not have to get in my car and drive to the theater to make this suggestion. This will drastically reduce the number of posts of residen...
Sean Celestin almost 4 years ago in MapView 0 Escalated

Neighbours zoom level too far out

When wanting to see neighbours generally people want to see residents in their general region... not the entire city. Zoom level should be a fixed height, or maintain the same zoom level from the map view. Current Ux Makes for pour experience goin...
Sean Celestin almost 4 years ago in MapView 0 Under analysis

Allow Resident user to link their Proof of Covid Vaccination in Ditigal ID

The idea would be the 1st which would be at the state/province level, not the city ...but which maybe one of the most critical needs for Residents around the world at this stage of the Covid pandemic. A State/Province could use a Connector to link...
Paul-André Savoie almost 4 years ago in Digital ID 0 Under analysis

Ability to delete passed chat logs in the app an online

After a chat is closed it stays in conversations without the ability to delete it. this is on the app and website
Guest almost 4 years ago in Live Chat 0 Under analysis