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Mapview Cluster - Neighbors

Currently in Mapview, when multiple resident users are located in very close proximity, or, are multiple members of a single household, they appear as a grouped blue circle with a count of how many there are, with no ability to zoom further, seem ...
Paul-André Savoie over 3 years ago in Neighbours 0 Escalated

app crashing

when clicking "neighbours", app freezes and automatically closing.
Guest about 3 years ago in Neighbours 0 Bug Confirmed

QR code needed in invite neighbors page

Action: When you are on the neighbors page and you click on Invite Expectation: it should display the QR code as in the Invite a Friend page Reality: it display a traditional Android shared text
Guest about 3 years ago in Neighbours 0 Escalated

Household Relationship between Residents

It would be great to allow Resident users living at the same address to configure themselves as members of a unique household together, and their relationship. A user would see other users at the same address with no relationship, and be able to c...
Paul-André Savoie over 3 years ago in Neighbours 0 Escalated