As a Resident User I would like to know that my EO resign or is not in function anymore So that I can set my expectation regarding him or her to response to me. In the collection ElectedOfficials of Firestore, we have a date : election.termEnd. If...
Nicolas Beaupré
about 1 year ago
in Elected Officials
Under analysis
@Jean-Luc Pellerin this is simple to fix. Go fix the key's plural on Localize. See with @Niyanta Bhatt and @Shaily Shah how. This doesn't require escalation to the dev team.
Showing 'EO' or any other title next to EO's name direct from Hubspot is not acceptable
Showing 'EO' is not acceptable, as it's not entered as a standard field in hubspot, and is not going to show in proper language. Should be preset list of options of what the title can be, as keys, translated. See attached images for examples.
Paul-André Savoie
almost 4 years ago
in Elected Officials
Cannot reproduce issue