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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 20, 2024

User creation : Need to be able able to add - and accent (é,è,ê,û etc...) and Capital letter after the first letter on names : ex : "Paul-André" or "Beaupré" or "Roy Ménard" or "Jean-Luc" (READ DESCRIPTION FOR FULL LIST)


Here is a comprehensive list of accents and special characters to not disallow:

  • Acute Accent (é)

  • Grave Accent (à, è, ù)

  • Circumflex (â, ê, î, ô, û)

  • Cedilla (ç)

  • Diaeresis or Umlaut (ë, ï, ü)

  • Hyphen (-) for hyphenated names

  • Apostrophe (') for names like O'Brien

  • Space for compound names (e.g., "Roy Ménard")

  • Capital letters, not just for the first letter but also for any subsequent names or hyphenated parts (e.g., "Jean-François")

  • Ligatures (œ and æ)

What I was trying to do:

Créer un compte dans Resident

What I expected to happen:

Permettre les noms composés avec un trait d'union "-"

What actually happened:

Le champs prénom ne permet pas d'entrer un trait d'union

What I was trying to do:

Invite a user in Resident

What I expected to happen:

Allows names with dash "-"

What actually happened:

Cannot have dash

Need to be able able to add - and accent (é,è,ê,û, ç ô, ù, etc...) and Capital letter after the first letter on names : ex : "Paul-André" or "Beaupré" or "Roy Ménard" "Jean-François"

  • Attach files