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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 12, 2024

Trying to attach pictures to my post

What I was trying to do:

Trying to attach pictures to my post

What I expected to happen:

I expect the image upload feature to work. Here are the steps: Started by writing my post as usual to my EO ( Municipal in this case) . Selected the upload image icon, located at the bottom left corner of the panel. It is a light green button. Click on the icon and select the images I want to include from my photos. Once I’ve chosen my images, hit the "Post" button at the top right corner(in blue) to share my post, complete with comments and images.

What actually happened:

When I hit the post button, I noticed that nothing happened. After some troubleshooting, I found that removing the images allowed me to successfully post my comments, albeit without the accompanying images. It's worth mentioning that I did not receive any error messages during this process.

  • Attach files