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Status Escalated
Created by Nicolas Beaupré
Created on Jun 8, 2023

Election Term Progress Bar Missing

What I was trying to do:

View Elected official electoral dates information

What I expected to happen:

I expected to see dates of last election and next election and days since last last election, as well as the progress bar

What actually happened:

Nothing is shown.

Directives - Requirements

  1. The election.lastElectionOn and election.nextElectionOn are both in firestore.

  2. They are the 'Last Election' and 'Next Election' to show in this feature.

  3. The 'Days Served' are to be calculated from present date compared to lastElectionOn.

  4. The progress bar is to be displayed and calculated from these dates

  5. If either the last election date, or the next election date is blank in firestore, do not display this entire feature altogether.

  6. If the next election date is greater or equal to current date (bad data), do not display this feature altogether.

From Figma (what needs to be added)

Whole EO page section (where to add it)

  • Attach files