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Status Escalated
Created by Nicolas Beaupré
Created on Jun 4, 2023

Certified Government Validation of a Resident User

User Story

As a: Government

I want to: be able to link Resident users with their officially government issued identification (medical insurance, driver's license, passport, voting certification, etc)

So that I can: Offer them personalized services to which only the actual constituent could access (very personal information) as well as use Resident as a proposal and possibly election voting system, given that Resident users would be 100% authenticated and linked to our official government identification systems.

This could be a Product Roadmap (Connectors)

Initial Idea Submitted


Digital ID of resident

how is it useful:

We should include another functionality to asses the digital identification of a resident.

Maybe partening with a government by validating using currently gouvernment accounts. This would allow us to propose an electronic voting system through the app.

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